Citrine History & Meaning: The Art Deco Gemstone
Citrine is a member of the quartz family of gemstones, very often confused with yellow topaz. Named after the Latin Citrina (yellow), it shares a common root with the word citron, the French word ...
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Iolite History & Mythology: The Viking Compass
Iolite is a gemstone used throughout the ages by shamans and seafarers alike for visions and voyages. Iolite’s properties, both physical and metaphysical have made it a sought-after piece to wear ...
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Ruby History & Mythology: Lord of the Stones
Ruby derives its name from the Latin “ruber” meaning 'red', and all through the ages, this red gemstone has been as highly sought after as diamond, emerald and sapphire! All of these gemstones wer...
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History of Diamonds: From Cartels to Ethically Sourced Stones
Everyone loves a tale of a daring diamond heist, such as the 2005 Schipol Airport incident where thieves, disguised as airline workers, made off with millions worth of uncut diamonds after holding...
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Tourmaline Mythology: The Electromagnetically Charged Gemstone
Tourmaline’s name is derived from the Sinhalese word ‘tōramalli’, a reference to the multi-colored gemstones found around Sri Lanka.It is found in a variety of colors, from black to blue to multi-...
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Garnet History & Mythology: Protection And Good Fortune
The name ‘garnet’ is believed to have come from the Latin Granatus, which itself is derived from Granum meaning ‘grain or seed’. Most likely due to the Pomegranate-like appearance of garnet gemsto...
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The History of Emerald: From Cleopatra to El Dorado
Emeralds are without a doubt, the most famous of all the gemstones. Blood has been spilled, ladies have been wooed and status has been elevated by these gorgeous green gemstones since history has...
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Moldavite Mythology: The Gemstone That Fell From The Sky
Moldavite came crashing down to earth about 15 million years ago when a meteorite struck an area north of the River Danube, in western Bavaria. Since humankind first discovered this green, glassy-...
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Opal Mythology: Greek Origin Story and Meaning
The story of the battle between Zeus and his father Cronos, and how it is believed to have led to the creation of opals!
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The History & Mythology Of Amethyst - From Ancient Greece To Feng Shui
Deriving its name from the ancient Hellenistic Greek: Amethystos meaning “a-“ not & “-methysko” meaning ‘intoxicate’, both the ancient Greek and Roman societies believed that Amethyst had the...
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